Top 10 Recommendations for Dealing with Cold/Flu this winter
Who wants to avoid colds, flu, muscle aches, sore throat, coughs and fever this winter?
One would assume everybody.
So what can you do to prepare and possibly prevent winter colds and flu?
Here’s a list of things that you can do to either prevent or to lessen the effect of winter viruses.
1. Essential Oils
Steaming essential oil is an effective way to ease the muscle pain and congestion. The essential oils help to move mucus and ease painful muscles. You can either steam the essential oils with water or add them into your bath.
You can boil some water, lower the temperature and then add 4 to 6 drops of essential oils (peppermint or eucalyptus) into the water and wait for few minutes. Then take off the lid and inhale the steam at a temperature that you are comfortable with. Dropping a towel over your head and breathing the steam will help to ease cold and flu symptoms.
Essential oils have antiseptic and decongestant property and can help to open up the mucus airway. However people with respiratory problem and asthma should be cautious at first and shouldn’t rub essential oils directly into the mucus membrane. Keep essential oils away from the nose of small children and infants because they can cause respiratory problems.
>> Peppermint Oil:
Rubbing peppermint oil into your temple can relieve headaches. Peppermint could also promote sweating and ease fever.
>> Peppermint oil and Eucalyptus:
Both peppermint oil and eucalyptus contain compounds that help to ease congested nasal and sinuses.
>> Peppermint oil, Eucalyptus and Lavender:
The combinations of peppermint oil, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils complement each other and can relive the symptoms of colds and flues.
2. Ginger, Raw Organic Honey and Organic Lime
Ginger can help with chill, pain and inflammation. Add half a spoon of powdered ginger, half of a squeezed lime and one spoon of raw honey to your hot cup of tea. Raw honey has strong antibacterial properties and organic lime is full of vitamins C that can strengthen your immune system against cold and flu.
3. Feverfew, Flowers of yarrow and Garlic
Feverfew is known for relieving fever, arthritis, inflammation and migraines. The flowers of yarrow can promote sweating, help to ease muscle spasms and fight inflammation.
Garlic is antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral and helps to clean the body against parasites, germs and fungi. Garlic can also lower the level of cholesterol, reduce the blood pressure and help the body to process saturated fats.
4. Herbal tea like Mullein, Root of Marshmallow, Wild Osha and Slippery Elm:
Herbal teas are full of antioxidants and can help to strengthen the immune system and fight against free radicals. The leaves and flowers of mullein helps to fight against herpes virus, but can't completely on its own stop the flu viruses.
Osha is one of the very famous herbs used by Native Indians as an herbal remedy for treating sore throats and cough.
Root of marshmallow and slippery elm can help sore throats and coughs.
5. Licorice Root:
Licorice root is a great anti-inflammatory that has many healing compounds such as flavonoids and phytoestrogen. Licorice root has many health benefits such as improving chronic fatigue, depression, cold, flues, coughs, viral infections, fungal infections and liver problems.
6. Olive Leaf
For centuries, Mediterranean people have been using olive leaf for its great anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and energy boosting properties. Olive leaf can shorten the duration of many illnesses including colds, flues and shorten their recovery time. Research has shown that olive leaf can kill herpes viruses. Olive leaf can also reduce the symptoms of inflammation, heart disease, chronic pains, HIV infection and cancer.
7. Anti-inflammatory fruits full of vitamin C
Anti-inflammatory fruits such as organic mango, pineapple, sweat lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits are antibacterial and antifungal. They are also a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C and can help to prevent cold and flues and shorten their durations.
If you are juicing oranges, grapefruits or lemons make sure to drink it right away. keep in mind that a freshly squeezed orange juice will start to lose most of its nutrients if it sits for more than 20 minutes.
8. Avoid toxic foods
Consuming toxic and processed foods that have toxic additives and preservatives, foods with high levels of pesticides and genetically modified foods can lower the immune system and increase free radicals in the body. Avoid consuming processed and toxic foods and instead include at least 50%-70% organic raw superfoods in your daily meals.
9. Avoid Flu Shots if you can
Flu shots are simply less potent version of the virus administered at a time that your body is strong enough to start building antibodies. But keep in mind that if your immune system is strong enough, it can defend the virus without any need for flu shots.
However, if your immune system is weak due to lack of a balanced nutritional diet, or lack of rest and sleep, or due to stress then your body is more susceptible to viruses and flu shots are not necessarily the remedy. The best option is to keep your body strong is healthy nutritious diet, regular exercise, and smart stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation.
Additionally, most flu shots have mercury that is known to be toxic to human’s health. Studies show that children who receive flu vaccines develop cold symptoms such as runny nose, ear infections or even fever in few days or weeks after the flu shot.
The best flu shot in the world is a glass of raw organic green smoothie in the mornings with lots of green elafy vegetables full of fiber, antioxidants and micronutrients.
10. Rest, Rest and Rest anytime you could
One of the best things for boosting your immune system is resting. However, if you can’t sleep very well at nights, you are not alone. More than 60 million Americans suffer from sleeping disorders or different forms of insomnia.
Lack of sleep, stress or insomnia weakens the immune system and increases free radicals in the body, so you will be more likely to get sick. Get plenty of sleep whenever you can and keep in mind that an entire day of rest can strengthen your immune system and help to rejuvenate your body.