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Health, Fitness, Diet, & Nutrition Blog Dedicated

to your well-being (Est. Since 2010)

Can YOU prevent health problems, cancer, disease, and illness
through healthy foods, fitness, and a more relaxed lifestyle?

Recent articles about health, nutrition, and wellness


Insect Supplements

The folks in the west are just not utilizing the alternative food source of beetles, wasps, and ants. We’re being told that by agreeing to eat bugs we will help save the planet because insects have a low environmental footprint. Just think of the nutrition you will be getting; low fat, high protein. I can see this benefit being leverage by diet plans such as Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers. Bug bites will be highly recommended for undernourished children. Forget eating steak, crickets will deliver the same protein and can be harvested for less money and don’t produce the carbon footprint cows are said to produce ... Insect-supplements-UN-world-hunger



"Miss" Representation and Myriad Genetics claims to own BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in women

Although some have said that getting a double mastectomy is a personal choice or decision, the reality is that the decision of the famous movie star has been used on the news to promote expensive double mastectomies and plastic surgeries which makes billions of dollars for the cancer and cosmetic industry. Additionally, the hypocrisy of the corporate media has encouraged many women to rush out and get BRCA gene testing for cancer, often, unnecessarily ... Angelina-Jolie-supreme-court-BRCA-gene-patents-Myriad-Genetic-cancer



Top 17 toxic foods, preservatives and additives that are causing cancer

Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil is made by reacting vegetable oil with hydrogen. When this happnes, the level of polyunsaturated oils (good fat) is reduced and trans fats are created. Also BHA/BHT or simply fried oil and Brominated vegetable oil are cancer causing oils ... cancer-junk-food-carcinogen



Fear of cancer rises from double standards and hypocrisy of the corporate media and cancer industry

Did you know that almost 45% of all Americans are diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetimes while 25% die from cancer? You probably knew that part, but based on a study published by the Harvard University School of Public Health, unhealthy and toxic lifestyle factors such as poor nutritional diet, lack of exercise, carcinogens in the environment, smoking and obesity are responsible for 65% of cancer deaths ... cancer-fear-double-mastectomy



Toxicity of GMO Corn and GMO hypocrisy and Double Standard

Although the giant biotech claims that there are no differences between GMO and non-GMO corn, recently the website for Moms Across America posted an article that showed an exclusive comparisons between GM corn and non-GMO corn. The report showed how GM corn has high toxic levels of glyphosate and formaldehyde and lower levels of nutrients and organic corn has 7 times more manganese, 437 times more calcium and 56 times more magnesium than GM corn ... toxicity-GMO-bt-corn



GMO Toxicity and the Giant Biotech Syngenta was Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths

The giant biotech company Syngenta has been charged for covering up the death of livestock because of its genetically modified Bt corn. The story started back in Germany when the cows of a farmer suffered and suddenly died from a mysterious disease after they were exclusively fed on Syngenta’s GM Bt 176. ... GMO-toxicity-bt-corn-Syngenta



Vitamins or Drugs?

Are your vitamins real nutrients or are they a petrochemical drug? I wish I had a dollar for every person who calls me to ask my opinion on the supplements they’re taking. Consumers don’t always know what they are buying when it comes to the commercial vitamins. Many folks are learning that having “natural” on the label doesn’t mean the product is natural ... vitamins-drugs



Back to the future?

If you are a radio listener your local stations may be playing ads by hospital authorities asking people for help. What kind of help? They are asking us to contact our government officials to remove government control of hospital care. Roughly 55% of all hospital patients are on government funded healthcare plans, which does not pay what private insurance companies pay for care ... obamacare-healthcare


Meet Monsanto’s number one lobbyist: The Leader of the Free world: “Barrack Obama”

Meet Monsanto’s number one lobbyist: The Leader of the Free world: “Barrack Obama”

We all remember these words… “Let folks know when their food is genetically modified, because Americans have a right to know what they’re buying.” This was Obama’s words during the 2008 Presidential election. However that wasn’t the only promise that President Obama made, he also promised food transparency and putting people’s need ahead of politics ... Seattle Restaurants


Health Benefits of Dandelion

Health Benefits of Dandelion

It isn’t often I admit that something is perfectly engineered. What are the odds that one thing is perfectly engineered but what if you had hundreds of specimens that were engineered to perfection? I’d call that a miracle. I’m not talking about a machine or anything that man created. I’m talking about just one species of plants called taraxacum officinale ... Seattle Restaurants



Natural Anti-Germotics

One of the most widely used antibiotics is penicillin. In 1928 Sir Alexander Fleming was working at St. Mary’s Hospital in London discovered how a derivative of mold (penicillium mold fungus) destroyed colonies of bacteria such as staphylococcus. Fleming observed chemical warfare on a microscopic scale. He reasoned that there was an antibacterial agent in the mold ... Seattle Restaurants



Monsanto and Dow have decided to move forward with “Agent Orange Corn”

According to Occupy Monsanto, Monsanto and Dow officially agreed to cross-license and share their technologies to move forward with this new generation of corn called “SmartStax corn” also known as “Agent Orange Corn”. The main ingredient in Agent Orange called 2,4-D, is a toxic chemical that was used during Vietnam war against the Vietnamese civilians. Now 2,4-D is pushed into the market again as an herbicide by the chemical company Dow. According to bloomberg.com the new corn known as “Agent Orange Corn” is resistant to both Roundup and the active ingredient of Agent Orange called 2,4-D ... Seattle Restaurants


Our Poisoned Planet - Living in a Chemically Dependent World

Our Poisoned Planet - Living in a Chemically Dependent World

Although it’s becoming harder and harder for people to grow their own organic garden, more and more people are recognizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately the truth is that the American diet is designed and engineered for a shelf in warehouse not the American people. Sugar is the cocaine of foods and average American consumes 22 tea spoon sugar a day ... Seattle Restaurants





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Organic Live Food is a dynamic community blog, your ultimate source of knowledge and inspiration for optimizing your health and well-being. Dive deep into the world of antioxidants, Vitamin D, and the transformative power of plant-based diets, as we unveil the latest research and insights to help you thrive. Explore the intricate connection between mental health and nutrition, while staying informed on food lawsuit malpractice issues that impact your choices. Discover the convenience and benefits of fresh food delivery services like Green Chef, Fresh N Lean, Sunbasket Meal, Sakara Life, and Trifecta Nutrition, as we guide you towards convenient and nutritious meal options. Delve into the incredible health-promoting properties of herbs and spices such as Turmeric, Parsley, Garlic, Cinnamon, and Ginger, unlocking their potential to enhance your vitality and overall wellness. Join us on this empowering journey towards a healthier, happier life, where knowledge is power and well-being is paramount.