In this section of Seattle organic Restaurants I’m going to talk about allergies. More than 20 million Americans suffer from allergies, especially in spring time. Mild symptoms of allergies are breathing difficulty, rashes, congestion, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy or burning eyes and fatigue. Severe allergy symptoms (Anaphylaxis) can be vomiting, difficulty swallowing, cramps, diarrhea, drowsiness or mental confusion and abdominal pain.
People consume all kinds of drugs for allergies such as decongestants, nasal sprays and antihistamines. These drugs might help allergies but they can also cause sleepiness, nasal bleeding and drowsiness. There are different kinds of allergies such as food allergies, wheat allergies, allergies to peanut, soy, corn or bread and allergies in children.
The following herbal supplements can help allergies but consult with your health care professional before using them:
Real Honey: Honey has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for relieving the symptoms of allergies, rhinitis, asthma and and fungal allergens. All of these conditions are often caused by hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. Honey contains various ingredients, including pollen allergens, and that is why it's used as a natural allergy remedy and anti-inflammatory herbal medicine. In most cases, it is recommended that the person suffering from allergies should take "real honey" produced by local wild bees.
Quercetin: This supplement has compounds of bioflavonoids that exist in fruits and vegetables. Quercetin is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Stinging Nettle:
Stinging nettle is an excellent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory plant like quercetin. Many people with allergies find Stinging nettle and quercetin very effective. Taking 400 mg of stinging nettle twice a day can help allergies.
Pycnogenol: Pycnogenol is a great antioxidant driven from pineapple trees. Taking 50 mg of pycnogenol can reduce the symptoms of allergies.
Feverfew: Make sure to buy feverfew with at least 0.7% parthenolide. This herb helps to reduce the sinus swelling. Taking 500 mg of feverfew twice or three times a day can help allergies.
Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba might cause diarrhea and drowsiness but can effectively reduce allergies. Taking 60 mg of ginkgo biloba twice a day will help to reduce symptoms of allergy.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C can can help to lower allergies; take 1,000 mg of vitamin C once or twice a day. If you have heart problems or are under a certain cancer therapy, be aware that high dosage of vitamin C can thicken the arteries or effect cancer therapy.
There are other tips to strengthen your immune system and get rid of allergies. For exmple make sure to keep your home or car windows closed, and use a HEPA filter all the time. Dust mites and other debris can cling on to your hair or clothes. So make sure to shampoo your hair and clean your eyebrows, eye lashes or bread at bed time and increase your immune system by eating healthy organic food, taking your daily supplements and exercising regularly.