Meet your Meat! Monsanto, Big Dairy Farmers and Big Meat Producers
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants, I'm going to talk about the use of hormones and GMOs in our food supply and the power of big dairy farmers and giant biotech Monsanto. There are no laws to protect farmed animals against violence and abuse. Although More than 90% of Americans believe that famed animals deserve legal protection, the food industry lobbyists keep giving politicians millions of dollars every year not to pass laws or enforce protection for animal farms. Since the loss of family farm lands by consolidation of larger land holders, the cows in factory farms are treated like milk machines or commodity.
Many farmers now inject cows with all kinds of hormones in order to boost their milk production. Monsanto was one of the very first few companies that started injecting hormones to cows in order to increase their milk production. These hormones increase the risk of cows developing mastitis (painful infection). Monsanto food industry has fought really hard not to put labels on their products but the truth is that the majority of the American's meat and dairy products come from cows that are injected with hormones.
The FDA has not done anything to protect the public against the use of synthetic hormones in livestock. Growth of hormones initiated by Monsanto enhances the milk production and cause weight gain for cows. Human beings are exposed to synthetic hormones when they consume the cow’s products such as meat or dairy. The urine of livestock which contains hormones also contaminates the environment and our water supply. The Monsanto industry also uses “breeding hormones” to improve pregnancy rate and number of breeding. Usually the new calves (as a result of hormones) suffer birth defects or have difficulty breathing.
Well usually what goes around comes around!
Although FDA has approved the used of hormones in livestock, the negative effect of hormones in young children and developing fetuses is undeniable. Hormones have been related to obesity and a wave of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. That’s why the European Union and Canada have banned all the livestock and meat production with hormones.
For example, France has zero tolerance for using carcinogens and rejected to buy cows from US during George Bush presidency. US retaliated by increasing steel import tariff’s during GATT talks to punish the French government and accused them of being anti-American.
Although Monsanto claims that the use of hormones is perfectly healthy for both cows and humans, the reality couldn’t be any further from the truth. Based on the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, the use of hormones can increase the chances of breast cancers, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Not just that cows are injected with hormones, they are also injected with antibiotics and the use of these antibiotics in cows cause a painful udder infection.
A culture based on corporate profit gains nothing from people being healthy:
The economic gains of people getting sick can be huge for few corporations and giant pharmaceuticals . Injected cows with hormones produce one gallon more milk a day compared to cows that aren’t injected. One more gallon of milk a day for each cow makes a lot more money for big dairy farmers, food processors and Monsanto. That’s why Monsanto’s meat and dairy products are offered at lower prices. Former President Obama made promises to label hormones and GMOs but food industry lobbyists have deep pockets.
Although there are undeniable scientific evidences that use of hormones, GMOs and chemicals are threatening human’s health, I believe people should have the right to choose on their own. If based on Monsanto’s claims the use of these hormones is perfectly healthy for people, why are they pushing for their anti-labeling policies? Shouldn’t people have the right to know what’s inside what they eat so they can make up their own mind? Or may be Monsanto and food lobbyists truly know that they can’t have happy healthy pictures of livestock on their products, if they labeled their products as corn fed or injected with hormones or antibiotics.