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Aspartame and Saccharine; The Sweet Misery and a Poisoned World so they can kill you softly

Aspartame and saccharine are both artificial sweeteners used in most processed foods and drinks. Both aspartame and saccharine are toxic and can cause many health problems and chronic diseases. Keep in mind that aspartame is used in most processed foods such as flavored water, frozen ice, soft drinks, gums, coffee syrups, cereals, sugar free gelatin, ice creams, iced tea, juices, maple syrup, sugar free pies, sugar free cookies, breath mints, sugar free ketchup, sugar free chocolate syrup, nutritional bars, pudding, fat free and sugar free yogurt and vegetables drinks.


History of Saccharine and Aspartame:

In 1878, saccharin was discovered at Johns Hopkins University by a chemist named Constantin Fahlberg. Saccharine was widely used in WW1 during sugar shortage and it became really popular worldwide. In Canada, the equal of saccharine is called "cyclamate" and it was discovered by a graduate student at Illinois University. Keep in mind that cyclamate is 30 to 50 times sweeter than sugar. Although saccharine is banned in Canada, cyclamate is used in 50 different countries including Canada.

In 1981, the use of aspartame was approved in dry foods and in 1983 aspartame was approved for public consumption in carbonated beverages across US.

Early FDA documents show that FDA had prior knowledge about the toxicity of aspartame. In fact, FDA documents sugget that heat exposure will make aspartame to break down into dangerous carcinogens and aspartame shouldn’t be used during baking. The original producer of aspartame, "Searle" had even mentioned that aspartame cannot be used in food products. But the artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal or Creatine tin are used in our food products every signle day.

Unfortunately in 1993, FDA approved using aspartame inside food products. Keep in mind that in 1989 saccharine was added to the list of carcinogens, but in 2001 the Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Office delisted saccharine from the list of chemicals known to cause cancer.

Aspartame Symptoms


Many research and studies show that 75% of adverse reactions to food additives are related to aspartame. Aspartame can acuse migraines or headaches, weight gain, rashes, fatigue, insomnia, hearing and vision problems, anxiety attacks, loss of taste and speech, memory loss, respiratory problems, muscle spasms and heart palpitation. Aspartame could also increase the risk of chronic diseases such as Parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, birth defects, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and brain tumors.

What is Aspartame made of?

Aspartame is made of 10% methyl alcohol (wood alcohol), 40% aspartic acid and 50% phenylalanine.


- Aspartic Acid

Dr Russell L. Blaylock at the Medical University of Mississippi talks about the side effects of excessive amino acids in our bodies like aspartic acid. He also expalins how aspartic acid is related to chronic neurological disorders. Aspartate transmits the information in the brain from neuron to neuron. However excessive amount of aspartate allows influx of too much calcium into cells that kills neurons and increases the number of free radicals. Normally the brain is protected by blood brain barrier (BBB) that protects the brain cells from excessive amount of aspartate and glutamate.

Almost 75% of neural cells are killed after the seepage of excess aspartate in the brain before showing any symptoms. Long term chronic diseases can develop as a result of excessive exposure to amino acids such as memory loss or Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, hearing loss, progressing AIDS and neuroendocrine disorders. The risks of developing these chronic diseases are higher in elderly, people with certain chronic diseases, pregnant women, infants and children.

- Phenylalanine:

Phenylalanine is among the family of amino acids found in brain. Studies show that consuming aspartame with carbohydrates can result in high levels of phenylalanine in the body. Also people who have certain genetic disorders cannot metabolize phenylalanine. Excessive phenylalanine can reduce the serotonin in the brain and can cause people to be more susceptible to seizures and emotional disorders such as depression, mood swings or even violence.

- Methyl Alcohol (Methanol)

Methyl alcohol or wood alcohol is a deadly toxin. Probably you’ve heard that methyl alcohol can make people blind or even cause death. When aspartame is heated above 86 Fahrenheit, the free methanol is created. Improper storing and heating of aspartame products can result in creation of methanol. Methanol is broken down into two toxic substances called formaldehyde and formic acid. Formaldehyde is a toxic carcinogen that damages neurons causing birth defects and DNA replication. Methanol poisoning can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, numbness and vision problems. Even some alcoholic beverages and fruit juices contain small amounts of methanol.

Consumers should be aware that many soft drinks and juices don’t label aspartame properly and natural flavors and artificial additives are some of the other names for aspartame. Keep in mind that many diet drinks including diet cokes do not help people to lose weight. In fact, thes edrinks have aspartame and formaldehyde that will turn your body cells into a fat storing machine especially around hips and thighs. No wonder why many Americans are becoming more obese then ever and are suffering from many chronic diseases.


Aspartame is a dangerous substance, especially for diabetics and has adverse side effects on the blood sugar levels. Aspartame can also pass the blood brain barrier and cause severe damage to the brain resulting in seizures, panic attacks and depression.

There are more than 5,000 products in the United States that contain aspartame. Keep in mind that despite the toxic side effects of aspartame huge contributions are made to the American Diabetes Association by the giant biotech company Monsanto who is the producer of aspartame. Doesn’t that remind you of the mafia who used to kill people but also pay money to the elderly and the remaining families of those who were murdered? As the American journalist and author Christopher Lynn Hedges says “when a tiny cabal sizes power, it creates a mafia state, a mafia economy”.


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