Herbal Extracts
Medicinal benefits of herbs have been known for more than 3,000 years. Historic records show that herbs were used for their healing properties by the Persians, Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, Hebrews, and even Native Americans. In fact, herbs have been used for healing almost every kind of illness or health condition.
The pharmaceutical industry was originally based on herbal extraction and the ability to isolate the ingredients to produce medicine and concentrate on the potency to make them more effective.
In United States, herbal extracts were used until 1900s but modern medicine decided to use active compounds of herbs and recreate them through synthetic produced drugs.
Herbalists contend that the natural form of herbs contain large amounts of micronutrients that work together in order to produce highly effective healing power. Nature provides these micronutrients in order to provide a more balance approach to healing.
In 21st century, herbal medicine has once again become extensively practiced and many naturalists and alternative medicine healthcare providers are going back to the roots of healing power of herbs.
As a result, the herbal use for medicinal healing has grown by about 4,000% and still continues to grow rapidly.
Herbal extract is a concentrated ingredients of an herb blended with alcohol and/or water as a suitable solvent to preserve the potency of its active ingredients. This method ensures that the extracts have a much higher shelf life while it is highly concentrated to a required guaranteed potency level.
Another major benefit of herbal extract is that it can be absorbed by the body very quickly, specially for older adults that have absorption problems with synthetic prescription drugs.
Fresh organic herbal extracts retain almost all of the original plant’s nutritional benefits for healing and is recommended by almost all nutritionists and alternative medical practitioners.
Both children and elderly can take herbal extracts, although you may consult with your medical care provider in order to discuss any existing conditions as well as the required dosage. Pregnant women could also take herbal extract but must consult with their physicians before use.
Herbal extracts:
1. Are all-natural, safe and effective
2. Have no foul smell or taste associated to the prescription tablets or capsules
3. No harmful chemicals
4. No synthetic ingredients
5. No contaminated harmful bacteria
Best form of herbal extract:
1. Should contain all the active ingredients in ratios found in its natural herbal form
2. Must not have its ingredients form modified food (such as synthetic drugs)
3. Must be processed safely to ensure it retains its potency and benefits
4. Liquid herbal extract is regarded as the best form, as recommended by American Herbalists.
Humans have used botanical herbs for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, with more than 20% of Americans using herbal medicine annually. About 30% of all FDA-approved drugs are derived from botanical sources, such as aspirin (from willow bark) and digoxin (from the foxglove plant). More and more mainstream physicians are recommending herbal remedies as an alternative to prescription drugs with side effects. Many health insurance companies now cover the cost of herbal medicine when prescribed by health care providers.
A summary of the latest studies by researchers show that:
1. Milk Thistle can lower liver inflammation in children undergoing chemotherapy.
2. Ginkgo is effective in "memory aid" and treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
3. St. John's Wort is effective for mild to moderate depression.
4. Cranberry juice is highly effective for prevention of Urinary Tract Infections.
5. Rose Hips is great for absorption of Vitamin C