Alzheimer’s disease and Recommendations
Alzheimer’s disease first identified by German neurologist “Alois Alzheimer” is characterized by progressive mental deterioration that can affect the ability of the person to fully work or socialize. A specific set of physiological changes in the brain happens when nerve fibers surrounding the memory part of the brain become tangled and the information is no longer carried properly to the brain.
The progress in Alzheimer’s disease can cause severe damage to the memory, dysphasia (inability to find the right word), mood swings, severe confusion and disorientation and delusions or even hallucinations. In this later stage of Alzheimer’s the person can also experience incontinence and neglect the personal hygiene. Alzheimer’s disease can also result from dementia and death of brain tissues from minor strokes.
The exact cause of Alzheimer’s are unknown however many researchers believe that nutritional deficiencies especially low levels of vitamin B12 and zinc in the body can cause Alzheimer’s. Levels of antioxidants, vitamin A, E and beta-carotene are low in people with Alzheimer’s. Malabsorption which is common in elderly people can also lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Some researchers have linked Alzheimer’s with high concentration of aluminum in the brain and have discovered that the brain of people with Alzheimer does contain higher than normal concentration of mercury.
Many health problems happen because of immune system disorder which can trigger the body to attack its own tissues. Powerful immune system protein called “complement protein” has been found around plaque in the brain of people who died from Alzheimer’s. Some experts believe that the complement protein that normally help to clear the dead cells start attacking the healthy cells in people with Alzheimer’s. They also believe that this cell degeneration results in accumulation of amyloid. Researchers believe that beta-amyloid is the key to memory problems. Although amyloid by itself isn’t highly toxic, it can trigger dementia and its presence can trigger the release of complement proteins causing a vicious cycle of inflammation and plaque deposits in the brain.
Herbs that help Alzheimer’s:
- Organic ginkgo biloba acts an antioxidant and can increase blood flow to the brain. According to a report published in the American Medical Association, ginkgo biloba extract can improve and stabilize the social problems in people with Alzheimer’s.
- Kava kava and butcher’s broom can also promote healthy circulation.
-Herbal green tea can also help to reduce inflammation and improve memory problems.
- The Chinese herbs called “qian ta” can help to increase memory retention and valerian root improves the sleep pattern at nights.
Other Recommendations:
- Consume a well-balanced diet that includes lots of fiber and raw organic fruits and vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses a day) and avoid tap water that may contain aluminum, fluoride and chlorine.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, pesticide ridden foods and processed food, and keep in mind that smoking doubles the chances of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
- Avoid pesticide ridden foods and genetically modified foods that have been linked to Alzheimer’s and switch into organic.
- Studies have also linked that chemicals found in green tea and red wine can lower the risk of dementia and could stop brain cells from dying.