Recent Articles:
Top 5 recommendations for getting rid of heavy metals like fluoride, lead or mercury (in your body)
You’ve probably have heard about negative side effects of heavy metals on the overall health and longevity. Heavy metals are lead, mercury, cadmium, fluoride and sometimes chromium. These heavy metals exist in our environment, air, water and food supply and accumulation of these heavy metals can cause many health problems long term ... 
Lead Poisoning
Lead is one of deadliest toxic metals that over time can accumulate in the body and cause many health problems. Exercising and perspiration can detoxify the body from heavy metals like lead however lead cannot be excreted though digestive system. The organs in the body absorb lead directly from the blood and store lead along with other minerals in the bones. From bones lead might be reentered to the blood stream as a result of renal failure, pregnancy or menopause ... 

10 Facts you should know about high blood pressure
Hypertension is related directly to conditions such as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis (which are narrowing and hardening of arteries), cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and heart attack. However, according to National Stroke Association hypertension can increase the chances of strokes by seven times but it’s also one of the most controllable health factors for stokes ... 
Lowering Blood Pressure
In this section of Seattle restaurants I'm going to talk about lowering blood pressure. High blood pressure is the root of many health problems. By lowering blood pressure you can reduce the chances of stroke, kidney failure, heart attack and other serious health problems. Here are some tips for lowering blood pressure ... 
Treating Stress & Depression
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants I want to talk about treating stress, anxiety and depression. The stress of modern life style is becoming more and more severe and mood disorders, fatigue and depression are becoming more and more dominant than before. The fast pace of modern life causes reduction of neurotransmitter called serotonin in the body and reduction of serotonin causes depression. ... 
Insomnia and Beneficial Herbs that helps Sleeplessness
If you have trouble falling sleep or wake up multiple times at night and cannot go back to bed most nights in a month you might be dealing with chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia is usually caused by medical disorder; however 50% of chronic insomnia can be related to psychological problems such as anxiety, grief, stress or depression. Physical problems such as breathing problem, asthma, arthritis, heart, liver and kidney problems, indigestion, muscle pains, digestive problems, and hyperthyroidism can also contribute to insomnia ... 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
With the busy life style we all have do you find yourself to be extremely tired all the time and have little or no energy to catch up with your daily routines? Then you might be among the 4 million Americans that have hidden chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome have a hard time to keep up with a normal active life. They might also not know that they have CFS, since the CFS symptoms often times are similar to flues, overworking or stress..... 
Remedies for Fatigue
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants I want to talk about remedies for fatigue. If you feel exhausted most of the time and have a little or no energy to go through your daily schedule your should change your eating habits, exercise more, meditate and sleep enough hours. Here are some tips on how to manage fatigue and exhaustion ... 
Chinese Medicine
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurant I want to talk about the remarkable power of human beings capable of self-healing. Chinese medicine has around and known for its healing techniques for centuries now. These techniques simply are deep breathing, gentle movements, self-massage and meditation. You can practice these techniques 10 to 15 minutes a day and you will be more resistant to stress side effects, illnesses and you’ll find yourself to have more energy and get less tired.. ... 
Nutritional Guide
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants I want to talk about a well-balanced diet. It’s important to have a well-balanced nutritional diet for mental and physical health. Everyone needs basic nutrient such as water, carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Here are the four essential nutrients that everyone needs... 
10 IRREFUTABLE evidence that GMO can harm you!
There have been numerous cases where animals have died or became serious ill and were put down in order to avoid mass contamination or to calm down the panic that would have caused even more damage to the food industry. In Hesse, Germany many cows died suddenly when they were fed with Syngenta’s genetically engineered maize cow food and as a result of this incident the authorities in Germany decided to slaughter the rest of the cows to avoid having the mysterious disease to get out and contaminate other cattle houses.. ... 
Fact-checking about GMO foods
Many of us are so busy to hold on to our jobs, pay our monthly bills and take care of our families that we hardly even notice that we might be shopping and feeding our families with foods that don't give us nutrients and/or are nutrition-deficient foods. While these foods give our bodies little energy to maintain its health, the even worrying prospect is when we are given toxic foods without our knowledge and foods that are genetically engineered and altered from its natural state into a DNA modified and potentially hazardous compounds ... 
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