Boron / Calcium
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants I want to talk about two essential minerals; boron and calcium.
Boron: Boron can enhance the healthy muscle and bones and can regulate the metabolism of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Boron can also help to regulate metabolism and burn fat in the body and promote alertness. Boron deficiency can lead to vitamin D deficiencies and can cause serious health problems for the elderly. In a study by Us Department of Agriculture, a group of women with post menopause took 3 milligram of boron and lost one third less magnesium, 40% less calcium and smaller amount of phosphorus during urination. Taking 3 to 6 milligram of boron daily can have many health benefits. Boron can be found in whole grains, peas, green leafy veggies, apples, carrots and raw nuts.
Calcium: Calcium is essential for strong healthy teeth, gums, muscle and bones. Calcium is important for maintaining a regular heartbeat, lowering the cholesterol level and preventing cardiovascular disease. Calcium is important for preventing cancer and lowering the blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be lowered by calcium.
Calcium can help cell membrane permeability and healthy skin. Deficiencies in calcium can cause problems such as eczema, high blood pressure, aching joints, brittle nails, muscle cramps, numbness of legs or arms, delusions, depression, hyperactivity and tooth decay. Amino acids can also help with calcium absorption. Foods that are source of amino acid lysine are fish, egg, beans, milk, cheese, soy products and red meat. Moderate exercise can help calcium absorption. Taking calcium and iron together can prevent minerals absorption, therefore calcium and iron should be taken at different times.
Calcium can be found in salmon, dairy products, green leafy veggies, asparagus, almonds, broccoli, yeast, figs, kale, goat’s milk, soybeans, tofu, sesame, watercress, yogurt and oats. Herbs that contain calcium are cayenne, chamomile, dandelion, fennel seed, flaxseed, lemongrass, nettle, parsley, peppermint, raspberry, yarrow, chickweed and yellow duck.