The Obesity Impact on Society
In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants, I want to talk about the life threatening side effects of obesity. Currently, 72 million adults and 12 million youth in US are obese and 144 million people in the states are either obese or overweight. Being overweight and obese causes a wave of chronic diseases with long term serious health consequences.
Being obese or overweight in early ages has major early impact in accumulation of plaques and clot in the artery. Parents should be aware of the dangers of childhood obesity and should apply early life changing habits for their kids. Early obesity prevention is very important in preventing childhood obesity. Keep in mind that if obesity isn’t prevented in early ages, the consequences can be devastating in the adulthood life of the child. Large waves of chronic diseases are waiting for the new generation of kids with obesity and we should change the early life style habits of our kids. Life style changes include changing eating habits and increasing physical activity. Foods with high level of cholesterol and saturated fat increase the LDL. By reducing the intake of saturated fat in meat, dairy products and backed or fried foods, you can significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
A recent study shows that a group of people who maintained a healthy weight (from the age of 25 to middle age) were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who gained weight from the age of 25 to middle age. The scientists always thought that the blood pressure goes up by age, but recent studies prove that high blood pressure is more related to weight than age.
As a rule of thumb, the blood pressure usually goes up about 0.1 every year after the age of 25, but there was no change in blood pressure of those who maintain a stable body mass. People who also maintain a healthy weight after the age 25 to middle age have stable sugar level and insulin in their blood. However people who gain weight have higher level of triglycerides (bad fat), blood pressure and cholesterol level than those who maintain a healthy weight. Increase in triglycerides directly increases the chances of cardiovascular disease. Helping people to maintain a healthy BMI will surely prevent a wave of chronic diseases that come with obesity such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The scientific evidences show a solid prove that gaining weight and obesity directly increase a wave of chronic diseases that can lead people to heart attacks and strokes. Every year, cardiovascular diseases result in over 800,000 DEATHS by itself in US and currently we are spending 500 billion dollars a year on the health consequences of heart problems.
The increase in rate of cardiovascular diseases is a direct result of obesity and being overweight. The health care as know today isn’t affordable and in a decade from now there would be millions of new patients who will developeheart attack or strokes in an environment that we cannot afford.