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Does high dose of vitamin C fight and destroy cancer cells?

Well, judging by 1000s of studies since 1935 regarding the benefits of high dose vitamin C – which almost all agreed on the majority of the benefits – it certainly does seem to be true.


Many cancer patients in the last 20+ years decided to use the benefits of high doses of vitamin C instead of chemotherapy as the means for fighting cancer. What use to be a last hope treatment by a few doctors aware of its potential benefits, has not become a potentially very promising way to treat patient.

In 1935 a pioneer in medical research and a Professor of Bacteriology at Columbia University, Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D. (1898-1976) first published a comprehensive study on high dose vitamin C as prevention and treatment for polio. He went on to produce approximately 2000 research papers which mostly addressed the benefits of high dose vitamin C, ranging from cure for diphtheria toxins to bacteria infections.

Since Dr. Jungeblut’s published study, other medical doctors and medical researchers have conducted tests and released a range of publications on the use of high dose vitamin C to successfully fight against chest and lung diseases, viral, kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, and even hepatitis.

High-dose vitamin C therapy proven effective

For the past four decades, some doctors and many medical clinics have administered large doses of intravenous vitamin C against cancer and have proven its success. Instead of the US Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 70 milligrams for adult females and 90 milligrams for adult males, doctors have used tens of thousands of milligrams of vitamin C per day to help their patients recover from serious cancer or deadly diseases.

No you are probably asking yourself why your doctor does not know about this.

Well, your doctor probably does know about it. High dose vitamin C intravenous injection is one of those subjects discussed and debated in most medical schools.

A study at John Hopkins University also concluded that at the very least, high doses of vitamin C help against high blood pressure and hypertension:

Effects of vitamin C supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Since the start of a strong advocacy movement for high doses of vitamin C, there has been an absence of large scale formal trials in the 10 to 200+ grams per day range to ascertain whether or not high doses are safe. The few studies that have conduced so far, have found the single repeatable side-effect of a mild laxative effect if consumed too quickly. More extensive studies need to be carried out to fully explore its benefits. For the moment a tolerable upper limit of vitamin C is set at 2000 milligrams. Some doctors however suggest that their patients were treated with 10,000 milligrams throughout the day to fight off and beat some cancers.

Higher doses (1000-2000 milligrams) than the RDA recommended of 70-90 is being prescribed by some doctors (as vitamin supplements) to cure stress, trauma, colds/flu, pollution, and even to protect the body against frantic pace of life, work related anger management, and low nutritional diets (eating fast foods or microwave foods).

Vitamin C helps your body achieve its optimal health and vitality.


Vitamin C supplements are not all created equal. Much of the vitamin C in ordinary tablets, capsules, powders and liquids is destroyed during processing or after digestion or just passes through your body without being absorbed.

Instead of vitamin C supplements, one can munch on fruits and vegetables regularly throughout the day to constantly rejuvenate the body with vitamin C – ideally every 4 hours, while giving your body major dose of this other essential nutrients as well as vitamin C.

Here’s a list of what you can munch on throughout the day, all containing lots of vitamin C

  • Papaya (raw): 180mg vitamin C, and high in vitamin A.
  • Kiwi (raw): 160mg vitamin C, and high in vitamin K.
  • Herbs, cilantro, chives, parsley, thyme, basil (raw): 120mg of vitamin C.
  • Kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, chard, spinach (raw): 120mg of vitamin C.
  • Bell peppers, sweet, green, yellow, red (raw): 120mg vitamin C
  • Mango (raw): 98mg vitamin C, and high in vitamin A
  • Strawberries (raw): 95mg vitamin C, and high fiber and antioxidant.
  • Broccoli (raw): 90mg vitamin C, and multi-nutrient and detox fibrous benefits.
  • Tomatoes (raw, cooked, or sundried): 90mg vitamin C.
  • Oranges (raw): 90mg vitamin C
  • Grapefruits, pink and red (raw): 70mg vitamin C, and
  • Cauliflower (raw): 50mg vitamin C, and plenty of vitamin K, folate and dietary fiber.

There are others I can mention, but hey I could live on what’s on the list above.


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