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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Do you find yourself to be extremely tired all the time and have little or no energy to catch up with your daily routines? Keep in mind that there are 4 million Americans that have hidden chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome have a hard time to keep up with a normal active life. They might also not know that they have CFS, since the CFS symptoms often times are similar to flues, overworking or stress.


What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t a disease by itself but it can cause a wave of other chronic diseases and illnesses. Some of the symptoms of CFS are joint and muscle pain, intestinal problems, poor memory, lack of concentration, irritability, loss of appetite, moodiness, sleeping disorders, night sweats, extreme fatigue, sore throat, flues and swollen glands. The symptoms of CFS are similar to viral infections and flues and CFS could be confused or mistaken with infections or flues. The causes of CFS are not very well understood however some researchers believe that CFS is related to infection with cytomeg-alovirus (CMV) or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Although people diagnosed with CFS have high levels of EBV antibody in their blood, scientists can’t say for sure EBV is causing CFS because there have been cases that people with high level of EBV antibody weren’t experiencing CFS symptoms. Other causes of CFS are anemia, arthritis, hypoglycemia, infections, sleeping disorders, muscle pains and fatigue. People who have lower immune system are more susceptible for CFS. Nutritional deficiencies, unbalanced diet, thyroid dysfunction, allergies and stress can also contribute to CFS.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can cause serious damage to the immune system and lead to long term chronic diseases. Other health problems and diseases such as anemia, depression, lyme disease, hepatitis and cardiovascular disease can also cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

Here are the common foods, herbs and recommendations that can help chronic fatigue syndromes:

- A well balanced diet that includes 50% raw foods and raw live juices

- Raw live smoothies should include fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, seeds and whole grain. Including Supefoods that have plenty of nutrients and fiber can rebuild the immune system and re-energize the body. Avoid genetically modified foods or non organic foods with high levels of pesticides, herbicides and chemicals.

- Add acidophilus to your diet. Organic yogurt has good bacteria or acidophilus that helps food digestion. Avoid dairy products that have rBGH or hormones in them.

- It’s important to consume at least 8 ounce glass of water per day. Drinking water every 2 to 3 hours can flash the toxins out of the body and relaxes the muscles.

- Get plenty of rest and have regular exercise. Yoga and deep breathing helps CFS symptoms.

- Taking cold showers can also improve CFS.

- Garlic, ginger roots, and fresh black walnut halls can help the body to get rid of free radicals and improve CFS symptoms.

- Avoid deeply fried foods, processed foods, junk foods, GMOs and conventional foods. Avoid coffee, tea and all the soft drinks that have stimulants. Soft drinks, coffee and processed foods deplete body from magnesium and can cause fatigue. They also have high fructose corn syrup and aspartame that can cause many other health issues and result in CFS.


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